Show how to draw a “U” for a mouth or maybe a zig zag line for more expression. Remind students of scissor safety as you demonstrate.I know I got it when I follow the scissor safety rules (may have to teach what those are…). I am learning about scissor safety so those around me and I won’t get hurt.

Have the OW paper vertical and glue 2 different colors horizontally one above the other so they meet in the center of the paper and completely cover the OW paper.Demonstrate how to pick 3 different colors of paper and glue them to the Original Works paper (the construction paper is a little bigger than the OW paper so you’ll have to trim the edges at the end). Browse monster craft construction paper resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources.I know I got it when I can make a monster face and hide the glue in my work. I am learning about craftsmanship so that my work is neat and shows my best skills.